For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Angela Allmond, Communications Director
Oklahoma Democratic Party

Oklahoma Dems Elected to National Committee

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, JUNE 21, 2023 – The Oklahoma State Democratic Party is pleased to announce Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair Alicia Andrews’ election as Vice-President of the Association of State Democratic Committees, ASDC – Midwest Caucus.

Andrews, the first elected African American in Oklahoma history to chair any political party, was first elected to the Oklahoma State Party in 2019 and has been re-elected twice, most recently with 81% of the vote this June 2023. As the Midwest Region Caucus Vice-President, Andrew’s association with the National Committee opens up relationships and opportunities to bring more attention from the Democratic National Committee to Oklahoma’s issues at a state level.

Scott J. Hamilton, the Oklahoma Democratic Party Executive Director who has held this position for over three years, was re-elected as a committee member to the Association of State Democratic Executive Directors, ASDED.

Andrews’ and Hamilton’s continued dedication and collaboration with the Democratic National Committee’s caucuses and groups help boost our Oklahoma Democratic Party leadership, training, and resources and further the Democratic cause in our state to continue our mission of electing Democrats. Congratulations to Alicia Andrews and Scott J. Hamilton.


For more information about the Oklahoma Democratic Party, visit the party website at, or call party headquarters at 405-427-3366.