For Immediate Release
December 14, 2020

Media Contact:
Angela Allmond, Communications Director
Oklahoma Democratic Party

The Oklahoma Democratic Party Files FOIA

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Democratic Party released the following statement on filing a request for copies of public records on the costs associated with Oklahoma A.G. Hunter joining the Texas Attorney General’s lawsuit to try and overturn the Presidential election:

“Just after 10:00 o’clock this morning, the Oklahoma Democratic Party filed a Freedom of Information request to determine how much money the Attorney General spent on this frivolous stunt,” said Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Party. “Oklahomans deserve to know what the cost was to taxpayers for this nonsensical effort.”

Andrews went on to say, “Oklahoma has no jurisdiction to tell another state how to run their elections, and we would not tolerate another state interfering in our election process. Joining with Texas had no standings, as the U.S. Supreme Court concluded. It was a waste of time and money when we have our own issues in Oklahoma as more cases of COVID-19 spike and deaths increase related to this virus.”

“Whatever funds were spent to participate in this farse could have been allocated to helping the thousands of Oklahomans facing eviction and loss of income while the virus runs unchecked throughout our state. Our priorities should be focused on Oklahoma during this worldwide pandemic and helping our citizens,” concluded Andrews.


For more information about the Oklahoma Democratic Party, visit the party website at, or call party headquarters at 405-427-3366.