For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Angela Allmond, Communications Director
Oklahoma Democratic Party

Oklahoma Democrats Respond to Legislature’s #2 Republican’s Criminal Indictment for Self-Dealing

December 20, 2020—Oklahoma City—Leadership of the Oklahoma Democratic Party is quite vocal in condemning Rep. Terry O’Donnell, who is speaker pro tempore, for crafting legislation aimed specifically at helping fatten his family’s coffers.

“Republicans in our legislature have become so emboldened that they behave as if their actions have no consequences for themselves and their families. We hope that the indictment of O’Donnell and his wife will send a powerful message to other legislators that Oklahomans have tired of their self-dealing,” said Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party.

The Party’s Vice Chair summed up this situation by quoting an appropriate phrase from Franklin D. Roosevelt: “We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American Eagle in order to feather their own nests.

”O’Donnell proposed legislation in 2019 that allowed spouses of legislators to be tag agents—and receive financial incentives paid for by Oklahoman’s taxes. Less than three months after this was signed into law, O’Donnell’s wife became a tag agent.

Today, Rep. O’Donnell stands indicted on five felony charges and three misdemeanor charges. His wife is facing three felony charges and one charge of a misdemeanor.

“This is a product of a supermajority legislature. We end up with legislators that act as if no one will question their actions,” said Andrews. “It is past time for all of Oklahoma to hold our elected officials accountable and remind them that they work for us. Demanding O’Donnell’s resignation would be a good first step,” Andrews concluded.


For more information about the Oklahoma Democratic Party, visit the party website at, or call party headquarters at 405-427-3366.