[Oklahoma City, OK, November 16, 2015] The following is a statement provided by the Oklahoma Democratic Party in honor of the 108th anniversary of Oklahoma Statehood:

On this day in 1907 leaders rejoiced in the victory to stand with 45 other states as a stronger and more perfect Union. Indian and Oklahoma Territories fought for more than two years to make it possible for the people of Oklahoma to come together to form a state constitution and state government all our own.
Despite the substantial populations within the Indian Territories, Congress insisted that Oklahoma be admitted as a single state. Today, we see the impact that had on establishing Oklahoma as a truly Native state – embracing our Native American brothers and sisters.

Oklahoma Democrats continue to make efforts to include all Oklahomans in our state government and make bold progressive moves to bring Oklahoma into the 21st century. This is what we believe was the vision of those present at the Joint Statehood Convention in 1905 and ultimately the voters in 1907.
Happy 108th birthday Oklahoma and may we never cease to move forward.
