Contact: State Rep. Steve Kouplen
Phone: (405) 557-7306

House Democrats Support Senate Resolution Calling for GPT to be Included in Budget Deal

OKLAHOMA CITY – The House Democratic Caucus has released the following statement in response to Senate Resolution 1, which called for an increase to the gross production tax to 4 percent.

“We are pleased that the Senate has confirmed their willingness to bring gross production tax to the negotiating table. Though not specific regarding the length of time of the incentive rate, Senate Resolution 1 indicates a willingness to have a discussion around an increase to 4 percent.

The House Democratic Caucus joins with Senate Democrats to support an increase to the incentive rate to help put the state’s financial future on a more stable path.

We encourage the Republican House Caucus to stand with their colleagues across the rotunda, include an increase to the gross production tax in their revenue plan, and allow a vote tomorrow in order to complete the work our constituents expected us to do months ago.”
